This sweet snack is so addictive, it has totally earned it's name - you just can't stop eating it!!

Combine Rice Chex and Golden Grahams, coconut and almonds in a large mixing bowl. Stir to combine.
In a large sauce pan, cook butter, sugar and corn syrup to what is called "soft ball" stage (235°F - 240°F on a candy thermometer).
Pour the sauce over cereal mixture and stir until all is well coated. Pour mixture out onto 2 large cookie sheets to cool. Stir it around occasionally to prevent clumping. Store in an airtight container (That is if there's any left!)
This is the temperature in which sugar syrup dropped into cold water will form a soft, flexible ball. Fun fact: If you remove the ball from water, it will flatten like a pancake after a few moments in your hand.
* This information was found here:
Combine Rice Chex and Golden Grahams, coconut and almonds in a large mixing bowl. Stir to combine.
In a large sauce pan, cook butter, sugar and corn syrup to what is called "soft ball" stage (235°F - 240°F on a candy thermometer).
Pour the sauce over cereal mixture and stir until all is well coated. Pour mixture out onto 2 large cookie sheets to cool. Stir it around occasionally to prevent clumping. Store in an airtight container (That is if there's any left!)
This is the temperature in which sugar syrup dropped into cold water will form a soft, flexible ball. Fun fact: If you remove the ball from water, it will flatten like a pancake after a few moments in your hand.
* This information was found here: